বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১৫

The VISSLA ISA World Junior Surfing Championship Is Finally Here

October 11th marked the first of seven days of The VISSLA ISA World Junior Surfing Championship (WJSC) hosted in Oceanside, California. This is the first time the competition has been held in the United States in over 10 years. With young professional surfers, well known coaches, volunteers and thrilled fans supporting this monumental event, Oceanside is swarming with excitement.

ISA Parade Russia (1) ISA Parade Puerto Rico (1) ISA Parade Portugal (1) ISA Parade Peru (1)

A record breaking 320 young competitors have come to Oceanside from 35 different countries in hopes of bringing back a gold medal for their country. There are four divisions: Under-18 boys, Under-18 girls, Under-16 boys and Under-16 girls. The finals will take place on Sunday, October 18th, where the finalists will compete for the gold. After the winners are announced, a closing ceremony will commence, congratulating the winners and other participants.

ISA Parade Mexico (1) ISA Parade Hawaiib (1) ISA Parade Hawaii (1) ISA Parade France (1)

As of Tuesday, October 13th, 17 year old Italian surfer, Leonardo Fiorvanti is in the overall lead, according to the stats on the ISA Worlds webpage. Fiorvanti shared a video on his Facebook page, showing his excitement of being in Oceanside and waving the Italian flag around with pride, surrounded by fans, friends and family.

Representing the United States, Tia Blanco is doing well and shared some photos from the surf event and a caption on her Facebook page saying, “Today was amazing! If you’re in or around Oceanside next week, come down and cheer on your favorite team. See you there!”

ISA Parade El Salvador (1) ISA Parade Costa Rica (1) ISA Parade Brazil (1) ISA Parade Belgium (1)

With only five days left of the event, you surely cannot miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity. Competitions start at 7am and end at 5pm daily, until finals and closing ceremony on Sunday, October 18th.

The event is being held on the South side of the Oceanside Pier, click here for directions.

If you’d like to get in on the action and volunteer, click here.

For all other information, visit ISAworlds.com.

The post The VISSLA ISA World Junior Surfing Championship Is Finally Here appeared first on Visit Oceanside.

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