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Supermoon Lunar Eclipse: Blood Moon coming out

Last seen in 1982 and absent again until 2033, the Supermoon Lunar Eclipse: Blood Moon is coming out to shine on September 27, 2015. No, this doesn’t mark the night where werewolves come out to play or other strange happenings occur, but instead this is an amazing sight to see and an event you won’t want to miss!

What Is The Supermoon Lunar Eclipse?

No doubt, there are plenty of legends and stories regarding the Blood Moon and its supernatural indications, but, unfortunately, there is nothing supernatural about the Blood Moon at all. This Supermoon Lunar Eclipse 2015 is a big deal because it occurs only under specific, rare conditions. When the Moon is closest to the Earth it is known as perigee, the opposite being apogee. This closeness, or perigee full moon, will make the Moon appear 14% larger and 40% brighter than during apogee full moons. Normal total lunar eclipses occur roughly every 2.5 years, making them pretty common for the average star gazer, but these are much rarer.

Lunar eclipse

See also: Four Blood Moons: Total Lunar Eclipse Series Not a Sign of Apocalypse

Eclipses occur when either the Earth or the Moon casts its shadow upon the other. A full Lunar Eclipse occurs then the entirety of the moon passes through Earth’s shadow and when four of these occur in sequence it is called a “Tetrad” – coincidently enough, this September’s total Supermoon Lunar Eclipse will be part of a Tetrad beginning in April of 2014! Click here for more information.

NASA officials state that the Supermoon will begin to dim slightly at 8:11 pm EDT on September 27 and the total eclipse, lasting 72 minutes, will begin at 10:11 pm EDT. Click here for local timing.

See also: Rare ‘Super-Harvest Blood Moon’ To Shine On September 27, 2015 for a video explaining the Harvest Blood Moon

How Will It Look?

Supermoon Lunar Eclipse infographic

Where Can You Watch The Supermoon Lunar Eclipse?

There will be many great places around San Diego to watch the Lunar Eclipse on September 27. As such, there are many amazing, beautiful places around Oceanside to watch it as well! The Blood Moon will be at its peak at 7:47 pm local time – plan ahead and make reservations!

Stargazers may want to check out the Eclipse from:

See also: Restaurants in Oceanside for other tasty locations to view the Eclipse from!

Don’t miss out on an experience you will not be able to see again until 2033, 18 years from now!

Information Source

Featured Image – “Lunar eclipse April 15 2014 California Alfredo Garcia Jr1” by Tomruen – [1]. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons

Image 1 by Jason Jenkins

Image 2 Infographic

The post Supermoon Lunar Eclipse: Blood Moon coming out appeared first on Visit Oceanside.

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