বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৯ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৫

Valentine’s Day Dos and Don’ts

Love is in the air. Valentine’s Day is a special day each year where lovers show their appreciation for one another through romantic gestures. During this season, stores everywhere are filled to the brim with pink and red greeting cards, stuffed animals, and heart-shaped candy, and flower deliveries are at all time high. Valentine’s Day is […]

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বুধবার, ২৮ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৫

Unbelievable Oceanside Photos: January 2015

Because we live in such a gorgeous, photogenic city, we at Visit Oceanside have the wonderful opportunity to see amazing Oceanside photos shared with us all the time. Here are just a few that were shared with us on social media throughout the month of January.   Photo shared on Facebook by Cindy L.   […]

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Where and How to Propose in Oceanside, California

It’s Engagement Season! Where and how to pop the question in Oceanside, San Diego’s North Shore! #wedoside #iheartoceanside Engagement season is now upon us.  Christmas Eve is the most popular holiday to pop the question with New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day also topping the list. If you were one of the lucky ones to get […]

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শুক্রবার, ২৩ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৫

Local Fame Media Review – San Diego SEO Company Review

Local Fame Media located in San Diego’s north county area is a digital marketing agency specializing in search engine optimization. SEO in San Diego, CA is among the toughest competition in the world for many different niches, so we put Local Fame Media to the test. Search Engine Optimization by Local Fame Media: The Review […]

Touchdown! Great Places to Watch the Super Bowl in Oceanside

The NFL Super Bowl XLIX will be taking place Sunday, February 1st at 3:30 PST at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. The New England Patriots will go head-to-head with the Seattle Seahawks. This is just about the biggest football event of the year, so the question is: Do you know where you will […]

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২২ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৫

Tips for Building Sensational Sand Sculptures

There is a lot of work that goes into building a sand castle, and even more work that goes into building a sand sculpture. It takes patience and endurance. These sculptures can take an incredibly large amount of time depending on what is being sculpted, but once the sculpture is complete, all the time and […]

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বুধবার, ২১ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৫

A Whale of a Time! | Oceanside Whale Watching

It is that time of a year again, folks. Whale watching season in Oceanside, CA is upon us. We love this season because seeing these amazing creatures is such a wonderful and unique sight! Have you spotted any whales so far this season?   What Happens During Whale Watching Season? What a magnificent display for 20,000 gray […]

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মঙ্গলবার, ২০ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৫

Cancer Research for Cigarette Smokers

Cancer research and the entire cancer industry has reached $1,000,000,000,000, yes that is one trillion dollars… yet we still don’t have a “cure.” It has been a long time coming that scientists who are doing the research have become closer to finding a cure because of better reagent supplies that are offered in the marketplace […]

সোমবার, ১৯ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৫

ACTH - Adrenocoticotropic Hormone: For Human Use?

When people think of hormones, they tend to think all are for human consumption for some expected growth outcome or another. The truth is that most hormones people search for are test kits only for detecting certain hormones within the body.


ACTH is produced by the pituitary gland and is a hormone that stimulates the release of adrenaline from the adrenal glands. When this hormone is present, it causes the release of cortisol. Man made adrenocorticotropic hormone is called cosyntropin. The ACTH test is used to determine how well adrenal glands respond to the hormone for the release of cortisol, so it is then not something made for human consumption but most commonly found in an ELISA kit - used for testing for the presence of a particular hormone, protein or just about any other substance commonly tested for in research laboratories. The primary use for such kits is medical and can be ordered from a variety of sources including MyBioSource.


শুক্রবার, ১৬ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৫

Keeping Your Workout Routine While Traveling

Working out is essential to keeping fit and staying healthy. Everyone wants to make it to the gym and keep up with that perfect workout routine but with such busy schedules it can be hard to manage at times. What’s even more difficult is trying to keep your workout routine when you are on the go […]

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৫ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৫

North County Chefs’ Dinner

Oceanside, CA is booming with great places to eat, and this can be exemplified just by taking a look at the North Country Chefs’ Dinner lineup! This fun and delicious event will be consist of amazing meals made by six North County chefs, three of whom are from right here in Oceanside! If you are ready […]

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বুধবার, ১৪ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৫

What is mSHH? A Guide to Biotech Semantics and ProteinS

Here’s a uniprot summary for mSHH - (Sonic HedgeHog) - no, not the game!

mSHH Recombinant Protein

Function: Binds to the patched (PTC) receptor, which functions in association with smoothened (SMO), to activate the transcription of target genes. In the absence of SHH, PTC represses the constitutive signaling activity of SMO. Also regulates another target, the gli oncogene. Intercellular signal essential for a variety of patterning events during development: signal produced by the notochord that induces ventral cell fate in the neural tube and somites, and the polarizing signal for patterning of the anterior-posterior axis of the developing limb bud. Displays both floor plate- and motor neuron-inducing activity. The threshold concentration of N-product required for motor neuron induction is 5-fold lower than that required for floor plate induction.

SOURCE: http://www.mybiosource.com/prods/Recombinant-Protein/mSHH/SHH/datasheet.php?products_id=143339

শুক্রবার, ৯ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৫

Scholastic Surf Series is back!

Surf’s Up, Oceanside! The Scholastic Surf Series is back after holiday hiatus. The series, which began in October of last year, will continue through March 2015. Young surfers from Santa Barbara to San Diego flock to compete in a variety of surf competitions throughout Southern California. The competitions are divided into high school and middle […]

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ৮ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৫

Art Happenings in Oceanside, CA

Art is everywhere you turn. From the architecture of the home you live in, to the movies you choose to watch. In the beautiful surf city of Oceanside, CA you can find art on every corner. From art exhibitions to performances within the city, our art scene is booming. Take a look at some of the […]

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বুধবার, ৭ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৫

2013-2014: A Year in Review

Visit Oceanside 2013-2014 Annual Report Download 2013-2014 Visit Oceanside Annual Report (PDF)    Sustaining Tourism Marketing for Oceanside through Innovation. A message from Geoffrey Parkford, Chairman of the Board and Leslee Gaul, CEO & President. No Fear; Innovate has been the tourism industry’s mantra as well as the theme at the annual Oceanside Tourism Summit […]

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